Data Bites

RADIUS security news and updates from the Cloud RADIUS team.

Beginner’s Guide to Wireless Authentication Protocols

Wireless networks have become an integral part of our daily routine as they interconnect our devices and provide us with the convenience of mobile internet access. The convenience of wireless connectivity necessitates robust security measures to protect our sensitive information and privacy. This is why implementing wireless authentication protocols is of the utmost importance. Wireless […]

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Is PEAP Authentication Secure in 2023?

Authentication protocols play a critical role in wireless network security by protecting sensitive data and providing secure access. PEAP is a highly prevalent protocol for establishing specific authentication channels for wireless network users. In this article, we’ll evaluate different versions of PEAP, with a particular focus on PEAP-MSCHAPv2. Our primary objective is to highlight potential […]

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Breaking Down the 802.1X Protocol

The 802.1X protocol is a pivotal authentication protocol in network security that is widely used. Its foremost aim is to enhance the security of the network by transitioning from WPA2-PSK networks, which are deemed less secure due to their dependence on a solitary shared password, to the more dependable WPA2-Enterprise/802.1X standard. The implementation of this […]

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Wi-Fi Spoofing: A Major Threat to Network Security

In today’s world, Wi-Fi is more important to our daily lives and is a major factor in how connected we are. Notwithstanding, a considerable number of users remain oblivious to the security vulnerabilities inherent in Wi-Fi utilisation. The act of Wi-Fi spoofing poses a significant risk to the integrity of your internet connectivity, ranking among […]

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5 Cyberattacks Mitigated by 802.1X Wi-Fi

The complexity and severity of cyberattacks are rising, leading to potential ramifications such as compromised data security, monetary deficits, and harm to a firm’s reputation. Cyberattacks may manifest in multiple routes, from malicious software and computer viruses to phishing scams. A significant risk is hackers attacking the Wi-Fi networks and stealing sensitive data gained via […]

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Exploring the Benefits of Cloud 802.1X Security for Modern Enterprises

In modern times, cloud infrastructure is expeditiously superseding on-premise infrastructure as the favoured alternative for numerous enterprises. The myriad benefits of cloud computing are especially evident in the realm of cybersecurity. Due to the escalating need for safeguarded wireless networks, 802.1X authentication has surfaced as the predominant standard for guaranteeing network security. The protocol was […]

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Types of WPA2 Authentication

Wireless encryption standards have developed to account for shifting network needs, emerging security threats, and discovered flaws in older encryption methods. WPA2-PSK/Personal and WPA2-ENT are the two variants of the WPA2 protocol that are in use today and provide different levels of security. WPA2 Enterprise uses IEEE 802.1X to deliver enterprise-grade authentication, and it was […]

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Wireless Enterprise Authentication: 802.1X

The frequency of cyberattacks is high, and as a precautionary step, selecting the appropriate cybersecurity protocol has become a top priority for businesses. Each company may have varying verticals, target markets, and strengths of employees; however, they share the primary objective of ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of their corporate data to thwart any […]

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How to Implement PAM With Cloud RADIUS

Improve the identity context of the devices in your network with SecureW2s pioneer solutions. Read to know more!

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